Sanya, China


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Mike, friend of Anna and Melo

Team East traveled to Hainan Island in China to meet their new host Mike, who is a manager in an upbeat restaurant-bar in Sanya city. Mike is very fond of sports and outdoor activities and he took the three travelers swimming and paddling in the South China sea. In his interview, Mike shares his views on friendship and tells us the story about how he became friends with Anna, and also talks about his friend Melo who is a talented musician from the Philippines.
What is your superpower?
I think my superpower would be sport. I love sports a lot.
What would you change in your country if you were able to?
Now, because they've been trying for the last 10 or 20 years to change a lot of things. And most things I think they're natural, like the friendships between the people - I think this is not much good for now. Many people, like they're so fast to get the money or something. Though the people's mindset is now are changing so it's not much of a problem.
What are you proud of?
Oh I am proud that I have a really good and strict wife. And I am proud of my country too because they've been trying more and more to develop very fast. And I think that now they try to have friendship with many countries. They want to help each other do better and better.
What is your spirit vegetable?
I think it'll be tomato. It's a tomato because inside, if you cut it, it's a heart.
What do you expect from a friend?
What I expect from a friend is like two ways. If I do something good for friends, I'll expect they do the same.
How important are friends to you?
Friends, they're not a sign of the family ways. So if you have more friends, you have more people, and your life becomes more open and better.
How often do you meet up with friends?
Ten or twenty percent in my whole day actually. You have work, you have your own family time, so that's why.
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