Hamburg, Germany


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Philip, friend of Jeniffer and Alex

Philip is from Hamburg and studies cultural sciences. His friend Jeniffer from Berlin sent the travelers to his place. What Philip loves about Jeniffer is her warm-hearted personality. He sees friends as kind of a family and puts the most value on loyalty and honesty. Philipp sends Team West to his friend Alexander in Zurich.
What is your superpower?
Actually, I'm quite good with people I would say. It's super easy for me to talk to people and even in these environments where I don't live in I think it's quite easy for me to make friends.
What would you change in your country if you were able to?
In my country there is a huge gap between the poor and the rich people. Of course Germany is quite a good country and we have a good system to help poor people. But I think there is still a huge gap and some people are not treated really well and it's super difficult for people to achieve things. Especially migrants have it very hard when they come here. So I think I would like to help them in that way.
What are you proud of?
I am proud of what I did until now. I am quite proud of what I did during my travels. I liked it because I set myself some goals to achieve some things and I did that. I am proud of that.
What is your spirit vegetable?
If we count mushrooms as a vegetable, it's mushrooms. I think mushrooms are quite cool because they can survive almost everywhere. And I like that!
What do you expect from a friend?
I think there are some things that I put the most value on for example loyalty and honesty. I don't mind if a person is straightforward and is telling me bad things, like things that he doesn't like about me. It's honest, so I like that.
How important are friends to you?
Friends take a huge part of my life and because I love my friends and they are kind of a family for me. So I really need my friends. I talk with them about most of my problems.
Do you have enough time for them?
Lately not so much. I'm a bit sad about that but I like to take my time for them. Even if I'm stressed or have things to do I still take time for my friends.
Is it easy to become friends in your country?
I think this can be difficult because people can be distant. But I think if new people come here people are open-minded and they like new people.
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