Lincoln, United States

Hi, I am Rob

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I am bold, adventurous, musical, and restless

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I am part of Yuujou because...

I always have struggled to explain traveling to some people when trying to explain my favorite places. It turns out, it is rarely the place, the picture, the sunset, the building, the view, but it is usually the people that make the memory. The people and the friendships made traveling are the memories that we take with us forever and share.

When I saw the mission of Yuujou, I knew I was made for something like this. Everything about it speaks to experiences I have had and want to continue. I just didn't know how to put them into words.

The world is connected, I know it. Everyone is connected somehow. Decisions and experiences have trickle down effects that we never see. I want to show the world how it is connected and show the world who I am through Yuujou. There is a big world out there and I can't wait to connect the dots.

I expect a friend to...

Show up. Put up with me. Tell me when I'm wrong. Come get me out of jail. Tell me the truth. Celebrate the wins no matter how little they are.

I can't stand it when...

There are too many plans and no room for creative spontaneous exploration while traveling. Oh, and also when someone hides my Snickers bars.

I spend an unreasonable amount of money on...

Books that I start and never finish. Food. Socializing. Sporting events. Concerts.

These are my creative super powers!
Playing music
Web development
See what I do on social media

What is the Yuujou journey about?

What is Yuujou?