Hi, I am Ashish
I am part of Yuujou because...
I have traveled in a variety of ways including solo trips, with my gang, craft documentations etc. I think the whole concept of the Yuujou journey resonates spontaneity, unpredictability which makes it very thrilling and adventurous for me. I love to meet people; hear their stories and experiences about the cities they live in. The recent airbnb experiences have helped me reflect on the power of having someone local share their unique info/data about the surroundings. The unique concept of this domino effect aka staying with strangers gushes a great amount of energy in me. I love meeting people and this is the best part of my job where as a tutor I atleast meet 80-90 young minds.
be ready for having conversations,good listener, welcoming, open and warm.
people are fake or have dual personalities.
vintage clothes , exhibitions, traditional textiles, pin badges, boxes and postcards.