Valparaíso, Chile

Hi, I am Natalia

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I am a dancer, photographer, digtl. marketer

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I am part of Yuujou because...

I want to go on the Yuujou journey to experience the magic of serendipity and connection to others. I cannot wait to see what kind of adventures unfold when three complete strangers go on a 100 day trip across the globe together. I believe that we are connected far more than we realise and not in the superficial sense via Facebook and Instagram, I am talking about an intricate web of human relations that we build as we go through life. So many things had to have happened at the right time with the right people for you to be here today. The odds of you being born at this time are 1 in 400 trillion! This feeling of connectedness is at its strongest whenever I travel. Whether it is bumping into an old friend who you haven’t seen in years or finding that you have a shared interest with a complete stranger, I am always amazed at how interconnected we are.

I expect a friend to...

help me move house, watch re-runs of Gilmore Girls and eat chips with plenty of chicken salt.

I can't stand it when...

the tap drips in the middle of the night.

These are my creative super powers!
See what I do on social media

What is the Yuujou journey about?

What is Yuujou?