Córdoba, Argentina

Hi, I am Fiamma

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I am a lover of life and its ways

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I am part of Yuujou because...

Because i think its a great oportunity to see beyond, travel with the meaning of learn, experiencie and be transform. I want to Live the adventure of join the reality of other humans arround the World. Love together to learn from each other, understand and celebrate life.

I expect a friend to...

Be for me in good and bad times. I think a friend says the true even if it hurts and always wish the best. A friend also takes the time to understand.

I can't stand it when...

People dont listen, dont have empaty, only think in theirselves and feel superior than others like they have the truth.

These are my creative super powers!
Playing music
playing sports

What is the Yuujou journey about?

What is Yuujou?