Aracaju, Brazil

Hi, I am Jonta

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I am la creación, I dont need to créer

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I am part of Yuujou because...

I'm not going, Je suis le voyage and Yuujou es en mí, I want to go because that journey is me and I am la creación, je suis la création, I dont need to create a reason, la raison est mon coeur and all the universe that fits inside me.

I expect a friend to...

be free, likes yourself and solve things always contemplating nature

I can't stand it when...

people are aggressive for no reason

I spend an unreasonable amount of money on...

vegan foods with high gourmet content, until today I can not tell if I liked it or not

These are my creative super powers!
Playing music
See what I do on social media

What is the Yuujou journey about?

What is Yuujou?