Gurugram, India

Hi, I am Sindhu

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I am an artist who wants meaningful adventure

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I am part of Yuujou because...

Travel widens your eyes and your senses. It opens you to new possibilities. I want to experience that and share that. And I want to understand myself, and help others realize that we are not all alone; there is always a hand to hand if only we would reach for it.

I expect a friend to...

know that I don't expect anything from them more than friendship and that I can be a safe space for them if they need me to be.

I can't stand it when...

People are prejudiced and judgemental and don't bother to learn and grow.

These are my creative super powers!
Virtual and Augmented Reality
See what I do on social media

What is the Yuujou journey about?

What is Yuujou?