Day 13: Team East

Team East crosses the first country border. After meeting Jenny who lives close to Munich the travelers head to Austria. On their way to Vienna they stop in Salzburg for a little sightseeing. Joey finds the perfect spot to do some jumping pictures. This is surely a homage to one of the Yuujou applicants. Do you remember who is famous for their jumps?

Once arrived in Vienna they meet up with their next host Sebastian, friend of Jenny from Benediktbeuern. Vienna is definitely a place to make new friends. In a very short time Team East is surrounded by fabulous people. John, Paula and Joey do not only get to know Sebastian's friends but also get important insights to the things Sebastian loves the most. Sebastian brings his new friends to the climbing hall where the travelers improve their climbing skills.

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  • Harisankar, April 27

    Nice to see Joey jumping

  • Rosanna, April 24

    same same but different. I gave him some pointers after haha

  • Kat, April 24

    So good to see Joey jumping like Rosanna! #rojumps